(Please pass this mail to Mr. Moore)

Dear Mr. Moore,

On behalf of all my friends Ifd like to express my anger towards G.W. Bush.
I am a Japanese national, and beg you to listen to our voice.

On November 30, two Japanese diplomats were killed on their way
to the CPA Meeting in northern Iraq.
The Japanese government has concluded that this was most likely
a terrorist attack, but we have reasons to doubt this.

We cannot rule out the possibility of a friendly and/or intentional fire
by the US army. The Japanese media has stopped pursuing this incident,
but we would like to seek the truth. Please take a few moments
to think about this and if possible to make the matter clear in one of
your articles. Our voice is being drowned out by the political move
to send the Japanese Defense Force to Iraq.
Please help us.

The following are some of our doubts;

The US soldiers' statement chronologically contradicts the local eyewitness.
Local people saw the Iraqi police appearing at 1 pm, who, after
investigating the site, took the victims to a lokal hospital at 2 pm,
while the US soldiers insist they found the body around 5 pm(!).
Around this site, on the arterial to Tikrit, there should have been
a lot of of US soldiers, keeping a keen eye on the Resistance's sudden
attacks, therefore they should have recognized the situation.

The US had been insisting for a while that the two Japanese diplomats
and their driver were shopping when attacked (therefore they should have
'parked' the car somewhere), while their car obviously 'rushed' away
from the road, for escaping the fire and/or by losing it's controll.

The US soldiers said the passports of the dead diplomats are kept
by the Sheikh of that area --- but they are still missing (as well as
the Sheikh himself). Their other belongings such as PC's, digital cameras,
notebooks and so on, which could otherwise be crucial evidence,
are also missing.

The attacked vehicle, a black TOYOTA Land Cruiser, which will play
the most crucial role for identifying the criminal, has still been seized
by the US Troop, while the vehicles of the Korean and Spanish civilian
victims are already open to the public. On the request of the Japanese
Government they only showed us a very vague 'digital' picture,
in which the craters were almostnunidentifiable.

The Japanese police autopsied the two bodies of the diplomats, but they only
announced the direct cause of the death. The data on the bullets, which are
supposed to be left in their bodies, remains untold, "for the sake of the
sentiment of the victim's families". We even don't know whether
the Japanese police saw the bullets or they had been taken away
before the police investigated the bodies.

From limited sources we finally knew the fact that their car was attacked
by the front, back and left side. And strangely though, there were no
cartridges left behind, even after the intensive fire. Based on these
facts we assume that in order to make craters on a car running
at a high speed on the highway (let's say 150km p/h), from three
directions, and without leaving cartridges, at least three combat cars
are required. A witness to a row of the US vehicles driving
through (or away from) the site, directly after the car crash,
ironically supports our assumption.

Some of our friends also believe that the victims were carefully
chosen: the diplomats were supposed to participate in a CPA
meeting. But no one knows what the meeting was about. Who were
the other participants? Where were they? Someone might use
the CPA meeting as a bait to lure those Japanese diplomats and
assassinated them in a professional manner and then sent to
an ordinary local hospital (not a military one) where someone
another was waiting for the bodies, ready to videotape and
broadcast them in a deadly normal stream.

Regarding this 'terrorism' we almost have no information,
but the bloody image of the dead. Who was the voiceless message
intended to? We could find the answer in the Japanese
Administration's quick decision making process to send
the Japanese Defence Force to Iraq, and to quit further
investigation on this matter in Iraq, afraid of producing
new 'soft targets'.


---(My name)---
(My mail address)

P.S. We have examined the incident in detail.
Please contact us for further information.